You have the right to cancel your order without giving any reason within 14 days from the day on which you or a third party indicated by you (other than the carrier) receives the goods purchased (or last good, lot or piece if the order relates to goods or multiple lots or pieces delivered separately) or from the day of the conclusion of the contract, in the case of services or digital content not supplied in a tangible medium (e.g. CD or DVD).

To cancel your order you must inform us explicitly (for example by written letter, telefax or e-mail) that you want to cancel this contract. Please contact us as follows:

Höveler Spezialfutterwerke GmbH & Co. KG
Siemensstr. 10
41542 Dormagen
Telefax +49 (0) 21 33 – 97877 -51

To meet the cancellation deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication on the exercise of the right to cancellation before the cancellation period has expired.

For additional information on the scope, content and instructions for the exercise, please contact our Customer Service.



If you cancel your order, we will reimburse all payments received from you for the goods purchased and will also reimburse delivery charges for the least expensive type of delivery offered by us. This reimbursement will be made without undue delay and, except in the situations described below, by no later than 14 days from the day on which we received your communication on the cancellation of this order. For such reimbursement we will use the same means of payment as you used for the initial transaction, unless you have expressly agreed otherwise. In any event, you will not incur any fees as a result of such reimbursement. We may withhold reimbursement until we have received the goods back or you have supplied evidence of having sent back the goods, whichever is the earliest.

Note that you must send back the goods without undue delay and in any case by no later than 14 days from the day on which you communicate to us your cancellation of this order. To meet the deadline, it is sufficient for you to send the goods before the period of 14 days has expired. You will have to bear the regular cost of returning the goods.

You will only have to pay compensation for any deterioration of the goods if the value of the goods diminishes due to the handling of the goods (except when it was necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the goods).