
Payment in advance


Payment is made in advance by credit transfer. On receipt of payment the goods are despatched by the seller.




You pay the invoiced amount via the PayPal on-line access provider. You must as a matter of principle be registered with PayPal or register with them for the first time, prove your identity with your access data and confirm the payment instruction to us. Further instructions shall be issued to you during the order transaction.


Purchase on invoice

You transfer the payment only on receipt of the goods.
In this case your data is forwarded to SCHUFA, SCHUFA Holding AG, Kormoranweg 5, 65201 Wiesbaden, for the purpose of checking your creditworthiness.
In the case of purchase on invoice the purchase price become due for payment on the date of receipt of the delivery by the customer. The invoiced amount must be transferred within 7 days to the seller.